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Cat Eye Meaning, Virtus & Benefits, Chakras Associations, Cleansing & Recharging

Cat Eye is a unique and rare gemstone that holds great significance and benefits. In this article, we will explore the meaning of Cat Eye, its virtues and benefits, its associations with the chakras, and how to cleanse and recharge this powerful stone.

Meaning of Cat Eye

Cat Eye, also known as Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye, is a gemstone that is known for its distinct chatoyant effect. This effect resembles the slit eye of a cat, hence the name. The mesmerizing band of light that moves across the stone gives it a mystical and captivating appearance.

Virtues & Benefits of Cat Eye

Cat Eye is believed to possess various virtues and benefits that can positively impact the wearer. Here are some of the key virtues and benefits associated with Cat Eye:

  • Protection: Cat Eye is considered a powerful protective stone that can shield the wearer from negative energies and psychic attacks.
  • Intuition: This gemstone is believed to enhance intuition and psychic abilities, allowing the wearer to trust their instincts and make better decisions.
  • Prosperity: Cat Eye is associated with abundance and prosperity. It is believed to attract wealth and good fortune into the life of the wearer.
  • Focus and Clarity: Cat Eye is said to improve concentration and mental clarity, making it an ideal stone for students and professionals.
  • Spiritual Growth: This gemstone is believed to stimulate spiritual growth and enlightenment, helping the wearer connect with their higher self and spiritual guides.

Chakras Associations

Cat Eye is associated with the Third Eye and Crown chakras. The Third Eye chakra is located in the center of the forehead and is associated with intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness. The Crown chakra, located at the top of the head, is associated with higher consciousness, spiritual connection, and enlightenment. By wearing or meditating with Cat Eye, one can activate and balance these chakras, promoting spiritual growth and clarity.

Cleansing & Recharging Cat Eye

It is important to cleanse and recharge Cat Eye regularly to maintain its energetic properties. Here are some methods you can use to cleanse and recharge your Cat Eye:

  • Sunlight: Place your Cat Eye gemstone under direct sunlight for a few hours to cleanse and recharge it.
  • Moonlight: Leave your Cat Eye gemstone outside under the moonlight overnight to cleanse and recharge its energy.
  • Running Water: Rinse your Cat Eye gemstone under running water to cleanse it from any negative energies it may have absorbed.
  • Selenite: Place your Cat Eye gemstone on a Selenite charging plate or near a Selenite crystal to cleanse and recharge its energy.

Remember to set your intention and visualize the cleansing and recharging process while performing any of these methods. This will enhance the effectiveness of the cleansing and recharging process.

In conclusion, Cat Eye is a powerful gemstone with various virtues and benefits. Its association with the Third Eye and Crown chakras makes it a valuable tool for spiritual growth and enlightenment. By cleansing and recharging Cat Eye regularly, you can maintain its energetic properties and continue to benefit from its powerful energies.

Our Cat Eye Collection