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Metaphysical Tools -Crystal Charging -Selenite Plate with 7 Chakras

$24.00 USD

About Selenite Crystal Charging with 7 Chakras

Selenite is a powerful cleansing stone that is known for its ability to clear negative energies and purify spaces. When used for crystal charging, Selenite enhances the energy of other crystals and amplifies their healing properties. With the addition of 7 chakras, this Selenite Plate can also be used to balance your energy centers and promote spiritual and emotional wellbeing.

The 7 chakras represented on the plate are: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. Each chakra is associated with a specific color and energy frequency, and using this plate can help align and balance your energy centers. The plate itself is made of polished Selenite, which is believed to have a high vibration that can promote mental clarity and enhance spiritual awareness.

SKU: 127438349504

The meaning of the Chakras

Meaning of Selenite

To use the Selenite Plate for crystal charging, simply place your crystals on the plate and leave them for several hours or overnight. The Selenite will cleanse and charge the crystals, making them ready to use for healing or meditation. To use the plate for chakra balancing, place it on your body or near you during meditation or energy work. Focus on each chakra and visualize its corresponding color and frequency, allowing the Selenite to amplify the energy and provide support.

Overall, the Selenite Plate with 7 Chakras is a powerful tool for anyone interested in crystal healing or energy work. Its combination of cleansing, charging, and balancing properties makes it a versatile addition to any collection.

Size: about 35mm wide, 185mm long, 9mm thick.

Categories: Crystal Charging, Crystals, Rocks, Rock, Gemstones, Gemstone, Minerals, Mineral, Precious Stone , Stone, Stones, Lithotherapy, Recharge, Energize, Selenite Crystal Energizer, Metaphysical Tools, Crystal Purification

Tags: Selenite Crystal, Crystal Charging, Selenite Crystal Charging, Disk, Selenite Disk