Smudging Incense Stick -Sage & 7 Chakras -7''
$16.00 USD
Smudging Incense Stick -Sage & 7 Chakras -7''
While sage is clearly purifying, rose petals elevate consciousness and the feeling of divine love.
SKU: 73742
Categories: Smudging, Smudge, Incense, Stick, Sticks, Purification, Sage tu Burn, Smudge Stick, Smudging Herb, Burning Sage Benefits, Incense Smudge Sticks
Tags: White Sage, Sage, Californian Sage, Burning Sage, Sage Smudging Stick, Sage Incense, 7 Chakras
SYMBOL: The art of smudging has a long tradition among Native Americans. Used to cleanse, protect or heal, smudge herbs have beneficial properties and help reconnect with the power of our Mother Earth.